Monday, October 18, 2010

Design as Conversation

As Housefield stated in class last session, design is a conversation.  Whether design is a conversation between a designer and his or her client, or whether it is a conversation between a design you just published and your audience viewing it on a local billboard, or whether design is a conversation between Lady Gaga and Yoko Ono talking about how the sun is down on stage.

Design is often thought of as the communication of ideas towards your audience and one of the best visual artists and maybe the least known is Yoko Ono.  She often did exhibits about allowing viewers to interact with her art work.  The greatest part about this to me was that it got the viewer to be visually and mentally simulated and thinking about ideas involving her art and even politics as she and John Lennon were very politically forward and driven in their actions.

Communication is not always through the sound waves stimulating your ear drums, but can also happen through your retinas via visual elements and designs which are pleasing to the eye.  This the study of design as a communicative process, since to be a successful designer you must be able to communicate to your audience verbally and visually in a quick and concise manner.

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