As the act of designing creates the people, places, and things around us, it becomes a noun and a verb working in conjunction. I don't think you can have design as a noun without design as a verb. You can use anything as an example of this, but let's look at computers in specific. The very computer I am typing on right now is about a year old and is a work of design by Hewlett Packard. Whether this design is focused on ease of customer use or maybe just designed to look shiny is really up to them and without the act or verb of designing, it would never change. The verb to design changes everything around us and (hopefully) improves upon previous designs creating the noun, or designed objects which we use or see everywhere!
I think that it is awesome that we have homework to blog about design in general since I have always wanted to do that sort of thing, like write down my ideas or talk about them with friends, but I never have gotten around to doing it. I hope to take a lot from blogging in this sense since I will be required to do what I usually can allow myself to put off. This is a little ironic to a point since this is exactly why the noun 'design' is nothing without the verb 'to design'. To be a successful designer you need to be sketching and writing all your ideas down to get them down on paper and elaborate on them. Some ideas will never make it past that point, but your better ideas will grow and evolve into great works of design.
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